Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Holiday ay ay

this is the last post before the mid semester break
tomorrow i'll be going home for holiday
no internet at home, so no updates

1 week holiday
but i won't call it as a holiday
too many works need to be done
thesis report, assignment, preparation for mid-sem test
urghhh..so tensed up

on this saturday, there is may be a small gathering with my schoolmate
its been a while since the last time i met them
hopefully my friends will join in
but there are some who couldn't make it
got other commitment
so just wait and see who can really make it

this sunday is going to be chinese new year
so Happy Chinese New Year for those whose celebrating
give me some ang pau

**for a week (at least) i'll be eating oranges.. so much vitamin C that i could get..hihihi

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